Introduction to Digital Media

by Akshith Ullal

My Web
IS_LT 7361

Image Banner

Image Banner

This is the Project link before peer evaluation:
This is the Project link after peer evaluation:

The first step in creating my banner was to find a suitable theme about parenting. I first took a look at the sample images given to us and then had a look at the banners created by my colleagues to get an overall picture. After giving it some thought, I finally decided to go on a theme about children, which recognizes each one as special. My title for the banner is “Every Child is a Gift”. For the background a scenic image with a blue sky background was chosen, particularly because I wanted to have the title written in white, so it would resemble the clouds. The two images selected were that of a girl investigating a pollen and a father with 3 small kids walking across the road. The picture of the girl shows the curiosity of a child and how every child should be allowed to discover their own way in life.

Image Icon

Image Banner

This is the link to the icon image:
This is the project link that shows the different layers:

In order to create the icon, open the image and resize it to a 100*100 pixels. Then remove the background using the eraser tool. Now we need to have only 3 colors. To do this go to the Image option at the top of the page, select mode and click indexed color. You can select the shades of 3 colors that you like, and then ok. It will ask you to merge layers and click ok on that.

Gallery Image

Image Banner

Audio Project

This is the Project audio link before peer evaluation:
This is the Project audio link after peer evaluation:
This is the link to the background music:
This is the link to the voice used as the foreground music:

The audio needs to contain a foreground and background music. For the background music I had a soothing theme in mind. So I selected the ‘Memories’ track from the website For the foreground music I used my voice recording. The theme selected was ‘Christmas’. I used my phone to record it.

Video Project

This is the Project video link before peer evaluation:
This is the Project video link after peer evaluation:
This is the Project video link after peer evaluation(
This is the link to the background music:
This is the link to the University of Missouri 2015 footage used in the video:
This is the link to the University of Missouri 1939 footage used in the video:
This is the link to the University of Missouri 1904 image used in the video:

The first step required is to get the Windows Movie Maker software( ) which is free of cost and could be downloaded from the above link. If you are using Mac software, then you could download the iMovie software( ). Both of them work in a similar way. Since my video was about the past and the present times of the University of Missouri, I have selected 2 video’s with the following links: University of Missouri(Present)- ( University of Missouri(1939)- ( I have used a combination of these two videos for my project. The audio track that I selected is Indian Summer by Jai Wolf ). I have edited some parts of this track using Audacity software.

Contact Information
Columbia, Missouri